Food Safety Manual for Catering



XYZ Company recognizes its responsibility as a producer of quality products/services.  To this end, XYZ Company has developed and documented a food safety management system to better satisfy the needs of its customers and to improve management of the business.  The management system complies with the international specification ISO/TS 22002-2:2013, Prerequisite programs on food safety – Part 2: catering.  The system also complies with international food safety requirements.

This manual has been prepared to define the management system, establish responsibilities of the personnel affected by the system, and to provide general procedures for all activities comprising the management system.  In addition, this manual is utilized for the purpose of informing our customers of the management system and what specific controls are implemented to assure quality of service and safe products. 

This manual will be revised as necessary to reflect the management system currently in use.  It is issued on a controlled copy basis to all internal functions affected by the system and on an uncontrolled copy basis to customers and suppliers, although it can be issued to customers on a controlled copy basis upon customer request.


XYZ Company identifies and controls documents required by the management system according to the Control of Documents Procedure.  It ensures that documents:

·         are reviewed and approved for adequacy prior to issue;

·         are updated, reviewed, and approved for re-issue as necessary;

·         are identified with their current revision status;

·         are available at point of use;

·         are legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable;

·         of external origin are identified and their distribution is managed;

·         that are obsolete are prevented from unintended use and are suitably identified if they are retained for any purpose.

Documents defined as records are managed per the Control of Records Procedure.


Management Commitment

XYZ Company’s management provides evidence of its commitment to the development, implementation, and continual improvement of the management system. 


Provision of Resources

XYZ Company shall provide adequate resources for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and updating of the management system.

Human Resources

XYZ Company management is committed to provide adequate resources to implement and improve the processes of the management system and promote customer satisfaction.  The quality and safety team and the other personnel carrying out activities having an impact on product/service quality and safety are competent and have appropriate education, training, skills, and experience.

Where the assistance of external experts is required for the development, implementation, operation, or assessment of the management system, records of agreement or contracts defining the responsibility and authority of external experts are available.  For details, refer to the Control of Records Procedure.

The required resources for implementation and improvement of the management system and for addressing customer satisfaction may include any of the following:  information, employees, external experts, infrastructure, work environment, and financial funds.  The principal means for determining and communicating resource requirements are management reviews of the quality management system.  For details, refer to the Management Review Procedure.

The Food Safety Manager and all management personnel affected by the management system are responsible for determining resource requirements for the implementation and improvement of the system.  Resources for designated activities are integrated with the process of defining and initiating the activity.  They may take the form of personnel assignments, allocation of space or equipment, training, procurement decisions, budgets, etc.


All personnel that are responsible for identifying sanitation failures or product contamination have a background of education or experience, or a combination thereof, to provide a level of competency necessary for production of clean and safe products.  Product handlers and supervisors receive appropriate training in proper handling techniques and product-protection principles and are informed of the danger of poor personal hygiene and unsanitary practices.



XYZ Company has established and maintains documented plans and procedures to ensure that processes and sub-processes are conducted under controlled conditions and yield safe products/services.  Planning of the production processes is consistent with the other requirements of XYZ Company’s management system.

Quality and Safety Team

XYZ Company has appointed a quality and safety team.

The quality and safety team is comprised of multi-disciplinary members that posses the required knowledge and experience in developing and implementing the management system.  This includes, but is not limited to, XYZ Company’s products, processes, equipment, and product safety hazards within the scope of the management system.

Records that demonstrate that the quality and safety team has the required knowledge, skills, and experience are maintained per the Control of Records Procedure.

Prevention of Cross Contamination

The material contact containers and material handling equipment are cleaned prior to use in processing.  Utensils and equipment that have come in contact with the floor, waste or other unsanitary objects are cleaned prior to making contact with product.

Employees, equipment, utensils and protective garments that are utilized for raw material are not utilized for finished products.   
Hand-washing stations and hand dips are located throughout the facility.  Employees are trained in how to properly wash and sanitize.  The training is documented and records are stored on file.

Raw material containers are not left open to prevent contamination with in-process and finished product.

The production of one product is kept separate from the production of other products.   Where space is available, areas are designated for specific types of food preparation (i.e., pastry, vegetables/salad, sandwiches, raw meat, fish, etc.).  Before starting production of a different product, the floor and all applicable workstations and equipment are properly cleaned and sanitized.  Separate equipment (tables, knives, chopping boards) are used for raw and cooked/ready to eat foods.  

Receiving, Handling, Storage, Packaging, Labeling, Preservation, and Transportation


XYZ Company ensures that incoming material (i.e., raw material, ingredients, packaging material,  etc.) are transported, received, stored and handled in a manner to prevent chemical, physical or microbiological contamination of products.  Incoming materials are received in an area separate from processing area(s).

Raw materials are washed or cleaned as necessary to remove soil or other contamination.

Effective measures are taken by XYZ Company to prevent contamination of raw materials, ingredients and packaging materials.  The XYZ Company does not accept incoming materials if they are known to be contaminated with the following:

  • pesticides
  • toxic substances
  • parasites
  • undesirable microorganisms
  • decomposed or extraneous matter  

Incoming materials that require refrigeration are stored at regulated and/or acceptable temperatures and are appropriately monitored.  If thawing is required prior to use, it is done in a manner that prevents the materials from becoming adulterated.

Incoming materials that are sensitive to humidity are stored under appropriate conditions to prevent deterioration.  Liquid and dry raw materials and other ingredients that are received and stored in bulk form are stored in a manner that protects against contamination.


Food is transported to satellite kitchens under controlled conditions. 

Food is stored in containers that are suitable for transportation.   

Food carriers are inspected and prepared before use as follows:

  • All surfaces of the food carrier are clean, if not, they are washed, rinsed, and sanitized as necessary
  • A calibrated stem thermometer is placed in the warmest section of the carrier if used for transporting cold food, or the coolest section of the carrier if used for transporting hot food.  If necessary, the carrier is pre-heated or pre-chilled according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

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